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Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis

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Comprehensive Chiropractic Techniques


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Find Scoliosis Care at Laurelhurst Chiropractic

At Laurelhurst Chiropractic, we understand the complexities of scoliosis and offer tailored treatments to meet your unique physical needs. Serving Portland, OR, and the surrounding areas, our clinic specializes in comprehensive techniques and diversified methods to help you manage and alleviate the symptoms of scoliosis. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

When to Seek Professional Help for Scoliosis

Recognizing the signs of scoliosis early can make a significant difference in treatment outcomes. If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it might be time to consult a professional:

  • Uneven shoulders or hips
  • Visible curve in the spine
  • One shoulder blade more prominent than the other
  • Back pain or discomfort
  • Difficulty breathing due to reduced chest space
  • Clothes not fitting properly

Contact Laurelhurst Chiropractic to discuss your symptoms and explore your treatment options.

Different Types of Scoliosis

  • Congenital scoliosis: Scoliosis that is present since birth
  • Early-onset scoliosis: This occurs between birth and age 10, or before puberty, and is also called juvenile idiopathic scoliosis
  • Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Occurs in adolescents; the reason is not identified
  • Degenerative scoliosis: Degenerative changes are seen in older adults' spines and the surrounding structures like spondylosis, bone spurs, osteoporosis, disc degeneration, etc.
  • Neuromuscular scoliosis: Usually seen from birth in people with neuromuscular conditions, where the bones of the spine fail to form correctly or separate from each other during development, with possible nerve abnormalities affecting the muscles of the spine

Request an appointment with one of our professional chiropractors at Laurelhurst Chiropractic to find treatment for your scoliosis.

Common Causes of Scoliosis

The cause of 80 percent of cases of scoliosis is unknown or unidentified. Most cases of congenital scoliosis present from birth are related to neuromuscular disorders such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy. They may also be a result of physical deformities, injuries to or infections of the spine, and birth defects.

Individuals with a family history of scoliosis are more likely to develop it. Women are more affected by scoliosis than men according to studies over the years.

Find treatment for scoliosis at Laurelhurst Chiropractic in Portland, OR. Call (971) 333-2656 to schedule your visit to our clinic.

The Benefits of Professional Scoliosis Treatment

Choosing a professional for scoliosis treatment ensures you receive the most effective and personalized care. At Laurelhurst Chiropractic, we offer:

  • Spinal adjustments to correct misalignments
  • Exercise therapy recommendations to strengthen muscles
  • Bracing for children to prevent curve progression

Braces are generally recommended for children with scoliosis if the curvature is more than 25 to 40 degrees. Growing children may need braces to stop the curvature from increasing. Reach out to us to learn how our professional treatment options can benefit you.

Why Choose Laurelhurst Chiropractic

Our clinic stands out for its dedication to patient care and comprehensive treatment options. Here’s what you can expect:

  • A family-owned and -operated practice
  • Same-day or next-day appointments available
  • FREE Wi-Fi and complimentary coffee
  • Easy access to public transportation
  • We work with major insurance companies and handle insurance paperwork
  • International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) certified

Ready to take the next step in managing your scoliosis? Get in touch with Laurelhurst Chiropractic today. Our team is here to provide you with the expert care and support you need.


Skilled, Experienced Professional Chiropractors You Can Trust

Call Laurelhurst Chiropractic to Make an Appointment Today

(971) 333-2656

(971) 333-2656
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